Saturday, August 15, 2015

Medan 1.0 - Water Baby

Medan 2015

Medan 2015

Medan 2015

Medan 2015

Medan 2015


Medan 2015

Medan 2015

Medan 2015


Medan 2015

Medan 2015

Medan 2015

Medan 2015


1st- 4th picture: views of lake toba | sipiso-piso, which literally means ‘like knives’ | sign says no shortcuts but we say fuck it | mid way down with adit | Beny said like knives, the waterfall will peel the skin off your back if you stand directly under it | view from the top is too mainstream (geddit? lol) | gushing waters | wet and happy | climbed to the highest rock at the bottom and felt the cool splashes of water from the waterfall on my entire body | all was forgotten at the sight of this | greeted by an unexpected friendly face called Beny who served us hot coffee and sang us songs | and these two sang along | ‘til we meet again

I've always felt one with the water. One of my favourite things to watch is the ripples made by the slow, calm currents. The feeling when I'm near a large body of water is both relaxing and scary at the same time. You know how you look out into the ocean and feel slightly afraid that a sudden wave would come and wash you away - yet you feel somewhat relieved at the sight of the never-ending horizon? You are both anticipative and afraid of what's to come. That's just life in general isn't it? You are either welcoming it with open arms or you're scared of the unknown.

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